The Food Law and Policy Clinic is thrilled to become a participant in the United Nations Zero Hunger Challenge: an initiative to eliminate hunger worldwide. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon launched the Zero Hunger Challenge at the Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference in June 2012, and over 50 organizations have signed on to participate in the Challenge. As a participant in the Zero Hunger Challenge, FLPC will join efforts to “ensure that every man, woman and child enjoy their Right to Adequate Food; women are empowered; priority is given to family farming; and food systems everywhere are sustainable and resilient.”
Our Zero Hunger Pledge describes how FLPC’s current and future work promotes the Challenge’s five principle goals:
1. Zero stunted children less than 2 years;
2. 100% access to adequate food all year round;
3. All food systems are sustainable;
4. 100% increase in smallholder productivity and income; and
5. Zero loss or waste of food.
Please read our Pledge to learn more about FLPC’s work, and visit the UN Zero Hunger Challenge to learn more about our great partners and this important collaborative effort.