On December 3, 2015, Bloomberg BNA published “High Court Considers State Health-Care Databases” by Jacklyn Wille about the value of state health-care databases, which collect information from insurance companies about the services provided to state residents.
Excerpt from article:
“Carmel Shachar, a clinical instructor at Harvard Law School’s Center for Health Law & Policy Innovation who filed a pro-database amicus brief, said the justices’ line of questioning was colored by recent high-profile decisions involving the Affordable Care Act, such as King v. Burwell. In that ruling in June, the high court upheld the availability of tax subsidies under the ACA to individuals who purchase their health insurance on the federal health-care exchange.
In those cases, the justices ‘were really grappling with, “what is the role of the federal government when it comes to health care?”‘ Shachar told Bloomberg BNA. ‘Certainly Vermont argues that health care is considered a very traditional province of the states, and you see pushback that you may not have seen even a few years ago on whether health care is a classic area of state concern or whether it’s more of a federal-state hybrid.'”
Read “High Court Considers State Health-Care Databases” in full.
Health Law & Policy, Commentary
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