If/When/How, the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation of Harvard Law School, and SGB Law have
filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on behalf of Cristina
Nuñez of El Paso, Texas.
Ms. Nuñez was admitted to the Hospitals of Providence System for emergency reproductive health care.
Over the course of her sixteen-day stay, the hospital system failed to offer adequate language access
services despite knowing Ms. Nuñez is a monolingual Spanish speaker. These failures made Ms. Nuñez’s
medical crisis unnecessarily confusing and traumatizing and violate Section 1557 and Title VI
nondiscrimination protections.
Read the press release.
Read the complaint in English.
Presentamos una denuncia ante la Oficina de Derechos Civiles en nombre de una mujer hispanohablante monolingüe que necesitó atención de salud reproductiva, pero nunca recibió servicios de interpretación. Los servicios de acceso lingüístico son fundamentales para la atención de la salud reproductiva y lucharemos para protegerlos.
Para más información, lea la denuncia aquí.