What’s the Hoopla about HIPAA?


This webinar will explain the basics of HIPAA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996), including when it applies and when it doesn't, and how it protects patient confidentiality. Advocates will walk away with a greater understanding of HIPAA within the context of HIV and public health, as well as how it relates […]

New Rules to Protect Reproductive Health Care Privacy: Rapid Review for Advocates


The Biden Administration has released a long-awaited final rule to strengthen privacy protections for reproductive health care information. Are you looking for a digestible overview of the final rule, initial reflections on strengths and limitations, and an understanding of on-the-ground implications? Join the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation of Harvard Law School in […]

Braidwood V. Becerra Townhall


Join the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation, Prep4All, Lambda Legal and the Center for HIV Law and Policy  for a discussion and analysis of the 5th Circuit Decision and access to PrEP and Preventative Services. Date: Friday, June 28, 2024 Time: 3 p.m. EST/ 2 p.m. CST/ 1 p.m. MST/ 12 p.m. PST […]

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