Fri, October 18, 2019| 8:45 AM – 11:00 AM ET | Cannon House Office Building, Room 421, 27 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003
Although diet and nutrition are fundamental to addressing today’s most common and costly health conditions, US physicians receive minimal nutrition education in medical school, and typically none in the many training years that follow.
This Congressional Briefing will describe the health and fiscal consequences of inadequate physician nutrition education – as well as outline a range of possible policy remedies and actions readily available to Congress and federal agencies.
This briefing features special guest Congressman Jim McGovern, and is organized by the Nutrition Education Working Group in collaboration with the House Hunger Caucus and the House Food is Medicine Working Group.
Presentations will be made by:
- Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), Chairman of the House Rules Committee and Member of the Agriculture Committee’s Nutrition Subcommittee
- Walter Willett, MD, Dr PH, former Chair, Dept of Nutrition, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
- Emily Broad Leib, JD, Director, Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic
- Stephen Devries, MD, Director, nonprofit Gaples Institute for Integrative Cardiology; Associate Professor, Northwestern University
- David Eisenberg, MD, Director, Culinary Nutrition, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
- Christopher Murray, BA, MD-MBA Candidate, Class of 2020, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Business School