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The Food Law and Policy Clinic is pleased to welcome Program Coordinator, Regan Plekanpol!  Regan PlekenpolProgram Coordinator in the Food Law and Policy Clinicrplekenpol@law.harvard.edu Regan J. Plekenpol joined the Food […]

To commemorate today as World Hepatitis Day 2021, The O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University Law Center (O’Neill Institute), the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable (NVHR), […]

This article was originally written by Eve Gleeson and published by FoodTank on July 25, 2021.  Recent research from the Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC) and The Global […]

This article was originally written by Kathleen Doheny and published by WebMD on July 23, 2021.  Chef Michel Nischan has won the prestigious James Beard Award four times, written cookbooks, and launched […]

This article was originally written by Benjamin Ryan and published by NBC News on July 21, 2021. In a move that is expected to prove transformative to the national HIV-prevention effort, the […]

This article was originally written by Jennifer Tzeses and published in HealthCentral on July 20, 2021.  A SNEAKY, SILENT killer, hepatitis C is a viral infection that often shows no signs or symptoms. […]

Each year, between 30-40% of all food in the United States is unsold or uneaten. Most becomes food waste, heading straight to landfill, incineration, down the drain, or left in […]

Settlement will expand access to the Hepatitis C cure for incarcerated Vermonters. A federal district court in Burlington gave preliminary approval on a class action settlement reflecting Vermont’s agreement to […]

Nebraskans covered by Medicaid no longer need to wait until they have advanced liver scarring to receive treatment for hepatitis C; however, stringent sobriety restrictions persist. The Center for Health Law […]

This article was written by Alissa Wilkinson and published by Vox on July 8, 2021.  Maybe you know the routine. Every so often, I go through my refrigerator, check labels on the […]

The Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation (CHLPI) released a new issue brief analyzing how Medicare Advantage plans can improve access to fruits and vegetables for Medicare beneficiaries. Produce […]

Originally written by Kathryn Garfield, Emma Scott and Cissie Bonini and posted on The Hill on 6/23/21. We’ve all been told to eat more fruits and vegetables. But did you […]

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