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Twelve states still refuse to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act; advocates say it is time to create a new health insurance option for the two million most affected. […]

Originally written by Arlene Karidis and posted on Waste 360 on June 4, 2021. Advocates for federal policy around food waste reduction and prevention have been working for years to […]

Originally written by Arlene Karidis and posted on Waste 360 on June 3, 2021. Advocates for federal policy around food waste reduction and prevention have been working for years to […]

Originally posted on HLS Clinical and Pro Bono Programs on May 26, 2021 Brianna Johnson-King ‘21, this year’s recipient of the 2021 CLEA Outstanding Clinical Student Award, is recognized for […]

Originally written by Nathan Rosenberg (visiting scholar at the Harvard Food Law & Policy Clinic) and Bryce Wilson Stucki. Originally posted on The Law and Political Economy (LPE) Project on […]

Originally written by Rachel Reed and posted on Harvard Law Today on May 11, 2021 Zachary Weinstein ’21 starred in shows like Glee, Criminal Minds, and Will & Grace before […]

Originally written by Brett Milano and posted on Harvard Law Today on May 18, 2021 For Phebe Hong, health law is a passion that began in high school Health law […]

This article was originally written by Patrick Symmes and published by Bon Appetit on May 18, 2021.  Humans throw away about 1.3 billion tons of food a year, or—at the […]

This article was original written by Ed Silverman and published by STAT News on May 19, 2021.  Over the past few years, state Medicaid programs have done a better job […]

The Hepatitis C: State of Medicaid Access National Progress Report shows that hepatitis C patients have better access to treatment, but that sobriety restrictions remain particularly harmful amid the ongoing […]

This video was originally produced by Lorin Granger and published on Harvard Law Today on May 10, 2021.  As faculty director of the Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic, […]

The Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC) submitted two public comments responding to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) notice of request for public comment on climate-smart […]

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