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News & Commentary



FLPC’s Director Emily Broad Leib has been selected to deliver the 9th Annual Judge Stephanie K. Seymour Distinguished Lecture in Law at the University of Tulsa College of Law. On February 20, 2017, […]

The Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation and the Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic congratulate Emily Broad Leib, Director of the Food Law and Policy Clinic, […]

The Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation is seeking several research assistants to work on a time-sensitive and critical analysis of health care policy implementation in private insurance markets […]

On Tuesday, September 6th, 2016, CHLPI, along with state partners in seven states, has filed formal administrative Complaints with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil […]

  Listen to the September 6th story from Marketplace reporter Dan Gorenstein on the filing of administrative complaints to the federal Office for Civil Rights from the Center for Health Law and […]

In the face of highly restrictive and discriminatory health insurance plans within the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplaces, the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation of Harvard Law School […]

We are thrilled to announce that Harvard Law School will join the growing list of colleges and universities in Massachusetts and around the nation that donate excess foods to those […]

An August 26, 2016 article by Aerin Einstein-Curtis for Feed Navigator looks at the newest report released by the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic and the Food Recovery Project […]

Written by Juliana Cohen, Assistant Professor, Merrimack College; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, and Emily Broad Leib, Director of the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic. Originally published […]

Originally published by NewsWorks, the online home of WHYY on August 11, 2016. Written by Elana Gordon. For years, Valerie Green just wasn’t feeling right. She was in a constant state of […]

An August 10, 2016 article from PBS’ Nova Next examines commonly misunderstood food date labels. “Why Food Date Labels Don’t Mean What You Think,” by Kelsey Houston-Edwards, looks at common misconceptions […]

An August 8, 2016 article titled “A cure for hepatitis C, if not for the cost” provides an in-depth look into the lives of various individuals living with Hepatitis C […]

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