Resource Library

The Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation (CHLPI) develops a range of resources aimed at achieving more equitable health and food systems. We publish reports, issue briefs, toolkits, fact sheets, academic articles, and videos and presentations, among other resources. We also submit public records to advocate for our policy positions, including amicus briefs, public comments and testimony, and administrative complaints. Explore our full resource library below.


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Farm to School in Mississippi: A Step-by-Step Guide to Purchasing Mississippi Products

Good Laws, Good Food: Putting Local Food Policy to Work for Our Communities

Mississippi Farm to School Legislative Recommendations

Creating a More Efficient and Effective Food Safety System in Memphis and Shelby County

Expanding Farm to School in Mississippi

Legislative Recommendations for Protecting Arkansas Farmers and Arkansas Farmers Markets

Legislative and Regulatory Recommendations to Allow Home Processing of Low-Risk Foods in Mississippi

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