News & Commentary
“U.S. school cafeterias are starved for funds, lack facilities, and are staffed by workers who often know more about wielding ‘box cutters and can crushers’ than chefs’ knives, according to […]
The Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation is pleased to welcome the following interns working in the Health Law and Policy Clinic for the summer. Meredith Fierro is a […]
Emily Broad Leib, Director of Harvard Law School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC), has been named Assistant Clinical Professor of Law at HLS. Since founding FLPC in 2011, the clinic […]
Join Emily Broad Leib, Director of the Food Law and Policy Clinic on June 10, 2015, 8:30am-5:00pm at Sever Hall, Harvard University for the first annual Healthy Food Fuels Hungry Minds: Serving […]
We are excited to introduce our 2015 summer interns for the Food Law and Policy Clinic. They come from schools around the country and bring a diverse set of […]
The DOI (State Departments of Insurance) Templates, created by the Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation, is intended to support the development of grievance letters from advocates/providers to state’s […]
The Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation (CHLPI) of Harvard Law School released the 2015 Providing Access to Healthy Solutions (PATHS) Federal Report, Beating Type 2 Diabetes: Recommendations for […]
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), health insurance providers are required to provide women with free birth control options. However, the federal Department of Health and Human Services released a guidance […]
On May 12, 2015, CHLPI co-sponsored the 2015 Congressional Viral Hepatitis Reception in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the reception was to educate members of Congress and their staff about the Hepatitis […]
On April 20, 2015, the American Constitution Society held a panel on the King v Burwell case that is before the Supreme Court. CHLPI’s Director and HLS Professor, Robert Greenwald, […]
On Earth Day, April 22nd, FLPC’s director Emily Broad Leib joined author Jonathan Bloom and Mike Curtin, CEO of DC Central Kitchen for a panel discussion on food waste following the television […]
Food Law & Policy, Commentary
FLPC Launches Food Policy Toolkit for the Navajo Nation
June 5, 2015
By: Ona Balkus, FLPC Clinical Fellow, and Rosana Aragon-Plaza, L.L.M. ‘15 In May 2015, attorneys and students from the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC) travelled to the Navajo […]