Resource Library

The Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation (CHLPI) develops a range of resources aimed at achieving more equitable health and food systems. We publish reports, issue briefs, toolkits, fact sheets, academic articles, and videos and presentations, among other resources. We also submit public records to advocate for our policy positions, including amicus briefs, public comments and testimony, and administrative complaints. Explore our full resource library below.


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Document Topic

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Land Loss, Wealth, and Reparations

Food Recovery in the District of Columbia: A Legal Guide (Updated for 2019)

Date Labels: The Case for Federal Legislation

Cows, Corn, and Crap: Climate Instability and Agriculture

The Green New Deal and the Future of Food

Advocacy & Lobbying 101 for Food Policy Councils

Cottage Food Laws in the United States (2018 version)

Food Safety for Donations: 50-State Survey Results and Discussion Webinar

Food Safety Regulations and Guidance for Food Donations: A 50-State Survey of State Practices

FBLE: Diversified Agricultural Economies

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